Summer Break?
Okay I just gotta tell you, this is a much needed break! This semester was tough, like insanely tough! After almost failing all of my classes and still having no clue what I got out of any of my classes... I AM TIRED. The semester completely overwhelmed my life, which meant no friends, no blogging, just school... I tried to keep up with social things but the blogging had to stop for a while.
After a management teacher who only taught about becoming a feminist, a macro teacher who said no book or slides just notes... (This cannot be done by the way) a marketing teacher who tested on different material than what he taught, and finally one amazing teacher... I needed a break.
My summer goals: Make a great nanny (I so far have the best two boys ever), Catch up on blogging again, and enjoy life.
I hope you have a great summer and sounds like those boys have a real great nanny! :)