Every day at college I hear people constantly saying how they want something different. They are never content with what they have or they have out grown it. This topic can easily go many ways, however I am keeping it more focused on life in general. I fully believe that life is what you make of it. I believe that you have the power to wake up and say, "I am going to be happy today" and then do it. Think I sound crazy?
What I have realized through the things I hear said, is that today peoples focus is off the target. They are to focused on what he said, she said, and not on what matters. If you don't have a set goal laid out before you, then you most certainly will grow bored of the life you live. I find myself getting caught up in the things that have no meaning all the time. I also, however, have wonderful friends and family who help keep my head up and looking the right direction. Everyone has these days, but what is important, is making the difference to have something different.
Here are a few tips I use that seem to really help...
1. Journal - I find that writing things down, and being able to read over them later, helps you see situations from different angles.
2. Getting involved - There are organizations, clubs, churches, teams, all over. Find one and get plugged in. My church is makes a huge impact on me, and its where I met all of my college friends.
3. Do something for someone else - It is amazing how great you feel after doing good for someone else. It is like a overwhelming sensation that makes you want to do it again.
4. Try something you normally wouldn't - Skydiving is on my list, but shhh don't tell my mom. You can do something less dramatic, but make sure its something outside your comfort zone.
5. Surround yourself with different people - Make new friends, that doesn't mean you have to lose the ones you already have. By meeting new people you get to experience new things with them.
6. NO TECHNOLOGY - Ha yea this one is tough, especially for bloggers;) However it seriously can change your life. Just go a day, or a set amount of time, without any technology. Get a friend to do it with you, and just see what a difference it makes.
7. Cook a meal for someone - Make a meal and take it to someone in need, like college students... we love free food;) Or a elderly couple, or even a couple who just had a baby.
8. No negativity - Go a solid 24 hours without thinking anything negative. Yes its impossible, but try, you will be amazed at how well your day goes.
9. Volunteer - Volunteer at soup kitchen or at a food pantry, and help the poor. Nothing makes you feel more blessed and thankful than to see what you have compared to what others need.
10. Lastly (and my favorite) Pray! - Prayer is powerful, but only if you believe it is. Pray believing and then sit back and watch the difference God makes in your life. It will be like nothing you've ever seen!
Be Different!